lol this guy is a major doucher, in my experiences business men with this kind of attitude never make it in life, he would be better off being a lifegaurd or something.
EDIT: and to above post, yeah he is being conscious about the product he is selling to people, but he is giving a total asshole arrogant vibe the whole time he does it, makes me not wanna buy from him atleast. There are a million other ways he could have proposed his product, problem, and solution without acting like such a fucking douche.
But he does get his point across ill have to admit, not in an effective business like fashion by any means however.
I didn't know about this whole glass dust deal, is it true? Oh shit ima stop using my friends bong with that downstem and pipe. That pipe and downstem goes in and out of that thing all day. Shit I never knew, is it cancerous? What does glass dust do just lacerate your throat?