bill montgomery prosecuting patient for a piece of candy

What I am wondering is if the ACLU wins the case will it apply to everyone or
will the usual assholes try to find a way to make it dispencerary specific extracts.
This bs has to stop and people need to stop taking plea deals when protected by the law.
Montgomery has been going through old mmj cases and refiling them. I personally know
of a case that was dropped two years ago do to lack of evidence and mmj law protection that was recently refiled under his latest policies.
So an ordinance was passed last night by voters in Maine allowing legal possession of marijuana for up to two and a half ounces within Portland city limits effective December 6. So I went and read an article in a Portland news article and it said police are still going to enforce the law of civil penalties which are up to a $1000 fine for those amounts.
So the ordinance passed yet you can still get arrested in Portland city limits. Which is it?
Sounds to me like a similar situation that happened in Denver a few years ago. Voters passed it but state law usurps the ordinance.