bio bizz

hi riu hope every one is well , i planted my seedlings in bio bizz all mix , i also bought bio grow and bio bloom , but im not feeding them fertz yet , as the all mix as got enough for the first 2 weeks , my plants are 4 days into veg and are looking good . but my question is , when transplanting into the flowering stage into 11 litre pots , do i add them to all mix again ? or light mix . the reason i ask is . when giving fertz in the late part of the vegging stage then transferes into flowering stage if im using all mix that as nutes with it anyway , so in essence in the beggining of the flowering stages my plants will be getting new fertz from the new transplant all mix soil and fertz of me . surley that will nute burn the plants with the extra added stress of transplant aswell , im thinking i will get there and my plants will jstu die from me doing that . so do i transplant in light mix and just carry on building my nutes streghnt up with the grow and bloom fertz , as there will be no worry with any added fertz from the light mix. P.S the strain is chiesel and its in the forum grow journal


Active Member
lol , i dunno the answer m8 try em both and c for yaself. i use all mix right through for seeds clones etc without any probs.
do you give them fertz ? if you do when transplanting do you jsut stil lcarry on with the same amount of ferts your feeding them ?


Active Member
go by the bio bizz feed chart ,use it as rough guide. iv seen good results using bio grow and bio bloom. im gunna give top max and and fish mix ( also bio bizz products ) a go nxt time round too.