Biobizz all mix - not suitable for indoor ? - need opinions


Active Member
Hey all, First some info about grow: OG Kush (60% indica 40% sativa strain) 8 days into flowering 42 days from seed 600W (14/10, tapering down by 1/2 hrs each week) 80F day, 72F night Temps Biobizz All Mix Nutes: Haven't used any nutes so far After a few days into flowering i realized some drooping on the new growth of my O.G Kush. The new growth especially in the upper area looked like a claw. Also found 2-3 burnt leaves at the bottom sites but i'm not sure if it is actually nute burn since rest of the plant doesn't show such signs. These issues exists in both of 2 OG Kush plants that i have. Moved the light a bit further to see if it's caused by heat / light stress with no avail. Later on i realized the older fan leaves were quite dark in color and started suspecting N abundance. After some searching on RUI i read that Biobizz All Mix was not the best for indoor grows due to high N concentration. So i decided to flush the plant. The run off water was 850 EC and 6.1 PH. I increased the PH to 7.0 to decrease N intake and after flush the EC was around 200. Below are some pictures. Notice the dark color of the lower leaves. Any idea what new growth is telling me with dark veins and ligher green between the veins ? Also please let me know if you agree / disagree with my diagnosis and solutions. Thanks in advance. Happy toking everybody! Pic :


Well-Known Member
if you haven't leeched the soil, whatever in there that was buffering it to the suitable range may have gotten used up, a good way to check this is run 3gal water per 1 gal soil , the runoff should be around .5 of the ph of the water going in.

If it is way low, you most likely have a lot of fertilizer in there and its bringing the pH down. Since you leeched the soil, alls you need to do now is keep running nutrient pH balanced water through till it comes out about .3 of what you put in, this is telling you the salts have escaped and your soil is ready to re-fert.

If you have a PPM pen i also recommend checking the PPM difference and it'll help you decide how much water you want to run through.

Another option is to run 1/4 dose nutrient with liquid lime or something to bring the pH up , but i have no experience with lime so you may want to ask others on that.

This happens with FFOF all the time, the sea shells used as a pH buffer dissolve fast and then half way through the grow your pH drops because of all the ferts still in it. I find if you flush the ferts out, and re-apply your own pH'd nute water it'll work

just know you dont HAVE to do this, there are other ways around it; i'm just saying if it's been fine up until now and its randomly getting nute burn at the top i bet you its a high concentration of fertilizers, burning your plant as it runs low on water (less water, higher fert concentration)

hope some of this helps; i see this stuff happen a lot and it could possibly be cal-mag but cal-mag is usually packed into the soil and it's the pH that makes it inaccessible, the plant doesn't need a ton of it, but you definitely wanna make sure its there because it aids flowering big time


Active Member
Thank you very very much @nizza & @cc2012 those were all very helpful info. to be honest its been only couple of hours since i flushed but the leaves are already risen up towards the light like spears after the initial drooping of flush. I suppose I'll wait 1-2 days before i flush the other one to see how the flushed one does. My only concern is the slow release ferts. They are located inside small orange capsules which let the water through to carry out the ferts as we water the plants. I'm suspecting them to release some good amount of fert into the soil during the flush making my situation even worse after a day or 2. What is your opinion on that ?


Well-Known Member
well the reason i'd be flushing it would be to get those capsules out, because they're gonna be pulling down the pH.
If you had mixed a buffer into the soil initially, you wouldn't have to do this, because the nutrients wouldn't pull the pH down, they would be buffered to around 7 by the lime
but i re-read you initial statements and your pH is within range, and I do not have any exp. with the biobuzz so i'm not sure exactly the best course to fixing this, because you are using slow release nutes ( i use bottled)