BioBizz feeding question


just starting week 7 and im reducing my Grow nute, I was wondering,by reducing the BioGrow can i compensate by adding an extra ml per litre of the BioGrow and TopMax? Or just feed them the normal amount for the week they're in? Thanks again, I'll post up some pics soon


I do, I know I'm supposed to be giving them 4ml per litre this week but like i said if i reduce the grow by 2 or 3 ml can i add an extra ml of Bloom and TopMax to compensate the drop in the Grow nute, I hope this makes sense, I'm on day 43 with my white widow auto's and I have been sticking to the chart....I know auto's finish their grow cycle by around this time so i don't see the point in giving them as much Grow nute


Well-Known Member
Have your plants stopped their stretch yet? Bloom and topmax wouldn't compensate for cutting the grow as they deliver different things. I don't see why you couldn't up the bloom and topmax to give them a kick, just watch the plants let them tell you how much is enough.


Gave them 1ml per litre of the Grow in the end and 4ml per litre of Bloom and TopMax a few days ago, yes the main growth spurt has stopped, bud sites are plumping up nicely too, it's my 1st grow and to be honest I've exceeded my own expectations of how far i was gonna get :) I'm using a Homebox 80x80x160 biobizz lightmix, 400hps and 11 litre pots and watering em a 6.5 ph mineral water, I hate asking too many questions coz I wanted to see how I got on doing stuff by myself but I have to say forums like this help a whole lot. thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Ok lol, I just noticed your in week 7 haha. Your fine to cut the grow now man. They won't be using N just now anyway. The most important just now are P/K. Next feed just give them bloom and topmax, If you want to keep the plants looking green right until the end you can keep going with 1ml per L of grow. I would let them use the energy and food stored in the fan leafs for the rest of the grow and just feed bloom and tmax.


IMG_0257.jpgIMG_0260.jpg there's 2 very unprofessional pics of the strongest lady, other 4 are just a tad smaller...enjoy