Biobizz getting Crappy so what else is there?


Well-Known Member

So when it comes to ferts most seem to bash on Biobizz, things like its got a ph of only 4 and it causes burn way too easy. I use to love the stuff but have to agree i could do better organically wise.

So what else is there out there?

Seems like i and others have a few requirements such as perfect pH and being a complete feed for both grow and bloom with little need for supplementation except for the standard grow and bloom.

I have started looking at Sensi's, yes i really did say the word Sensi!!, Iguana Juice. Seems good but what do the rest think? I live in Europe so strictly American Ferts such as Fox Farms and Humbolt are really not available to me.

Can there possibly be such a fertilizer out there that takes a lot of the pain out of growing?


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
For me Cyco Nutrients is the Best. I only use the Cyco A & B and Neptune's harvest organic Seaweed plant foor. I can complete w whole crop of 6 plants for about $40. I love this stuff.


Well-Known Member
For me Cyco Nutrients is the Best. I only use the Cyco A & B and Neptune's harvest organic Seaweed plant foor. I can complete w whole crop of 6 plants for about $40. I love this stuff.
Yo Dangley thanks for the input, i not heard of Cyco but i did look them up just for you. Seems there Australian and i see a lot of good stuff coming out of Australia also a lot of good hydro growers struting their grows!lol! I didnt see that it was organic but the products looked impressive. Alas i will not be able to order this from my local hydro online shops so is out of the question im afraid but i do see a lot more Australian products making it across the water to the UK recently.

There website dose say available in the UK though so prehaps i will see it soon, i want one of those silver kits with the see through bottles of their homepage, looks the doggies nuts.

Is that stuff just for coco or will it run soil? I need 100% organics, not because its organic but because of the cool image you get from telling your friends there smoking OMRI organic weed!lol!

Certainly one for me to look out for in the near future. Peace


Well-Known Member

I suppose i got more access to the main brands available, old timer gets good reviews, Sugar Peak etc etc but which one will give me the most trouble free pH growing. Peace

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
At one point I switched over to organics. But after a bit of research I found that organics or man made nutrients, your plant treats it the same, and the end product is the same. I am not so sure that Cyco comes from Australia. The guy who started this company was one of the main research scientist for Advanced nutrients. He had a falling out with them. When he told friends that he was going to compete with Advanced Nutrients They told him, he was Cyco. So he named his brand Cyco. Only the neptunes organic seaweed plant food is organic. This stuff is better then Liquid Karma at 1/3 the cost. Botanicare Pro Blend is organic. that is what I used when i grew organic. One thing about this Botanicare pro Blend, is that it is really hard to burn your plants with. But if i could choose a years supply of any nutrients, it would be CYCO. But that is just me. It works really good with the city water I have. When I mix it up with the Seaweed plant food, I come out with a perfect PH needed for me.


Well-Known Member
Yer just the website had a australian kangaroo logo but i might have misread it.

As for the inorganic/organic i do understand that they are essentially the same to the plant and both promote soil organisms/microherd. Maybe this is the way i am being pushed because organics seems so inaccurate in a confined space, maybe it is inorganic from here on in to really push and tailor plants needs.

Not that i'll be getting them because the only UK stockist has them as listings but not yet available and the website dose say Australian made -

I see no reason not to keep some of my biobizz such as the fish mix and grow for occassions but i would be willing to switch over to inorganics as long as it was just a simple and proven product range, i'll give it to Cyco as they certainly do have an estensive product range just like Sensi but it seems to make a lot more sense than Sensi's overhyped stuff, i see such simple additives such as pot ash etc. Peace


Well-Known Member
I dont see a caL/MAG product on their list unfortunatly but if the guy would like to send me the pro kit free of charge id certainly give it a go.

As for chem or mad made ferts i will always avoid them, 1958 say the first chem fert i think and since then health has been on the decline, people can debate it all they want but i'll simply stay away, if its not natural it dosent go near my plants. Peace


Well-Known Member
Check out Earth Juice man. The whole line up is only 5 bottles and it's cheap and organic.

Sounds like the same as biobizz though which i already have, what benifits over biobizz dose it give, i like pH and complete ferts which are hard to overdo but not just throwing a load of organic material at and hoping for the best, would like some control too. Peace


Well-Known Member
i have switched to age old organics it will burn but it is better less deffiencies than biobizz witch i have used for 3 years with great success. adding epsom salts help alot with all nutes...


Well-Known Member
Lord Dangley those ferts seem chem based and list what would iritate a rabbits eye etc etc, i would go off them too quick but seem more aimed at hydro and coco.

Joedank, thanks for the suggestion but i cannot source them here in the UK unfortunatly, i have seen many a sucessfull grow with just the grow and bloom of these but mainly outdoor grows and not indoor. I do have both Sensi's cal/mag for grow and bloom ratio 5:1 cal/mag in grow and 3:1 cal/mag in bloom. If the ferts are deficient in either calcium or magnesium i have it covered.



Well-Known Member
In fact i want to give a quick 'My' version of Plant Magic and Old Timer nutrients as its somthing i could consider being a UK based brand-

There soil contains Fytocell which is basically a hydo medium and spells cheap to me as it just replaces basic organic matter. There Old Timer nutrients seem well suited NPK ratio wise although they go in to no specific detail here so im guessing very similar to Biobizz ingredient wise. There seems to be a big difference between the inorganic grow and bloom in hard and soft water varieties and just the oldtimer nutrients from the same company which are organic, are they both pH adjusting???

Seems on the short list at least and the pH adjusting part is liked a lot and a bonus over the Biobizz. peace

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I think you are looking for the Holy Grail of Nutrients. :)

A lot of nutrients are developed useing elements from the earth. Just because it does not say organic, does not mean it is a chemical based product. See, what I did not like about Advanced Nutrients was that you had to buy so many products to get a nice crop. With this Cyco I only use the A & B, and got 328 grams from a 600 watt light. Plus the Neptune's Organic Seaweed Plant food. Pretty sure that to be Organic it has to be plant based or animal based in some way. Like Guanno. I have used a lot of different nutrients. Usually only for 2-3 crops. But this stuff I will be sticking with. You should at least look into the Neptune's. This is better then Liquid Karma, and much less costly. And it is totally Organic. And Cyco can be used for soil. Here is the chart for the soil. I did find it kind of odd though when I noticed the PH they suggest each week.
Like I have always said though. Just because something works great for me, does not mean it will work great for everyone. To me, I can not understand why everyone does not grow like I do. Until I remember this.



Well-Known Member
I appreciate it Dangley, understand but i am fickle and get put off nutes easy, that said i think we both agree that Neptunes fish mix and seaweed is some very good stuff and i love the NPK ratings for it. I think there is one place that stocks it in the whole UK, certainly one i will get one day.

I did like the Cyco nutes and range but i just felt it wasnt for me, the Plant Magic range has me more but it is UK based so i am easily swayed that way. Still feel like i could do better but it dose still confuse me how the organic oldtimer range has little of the pH adjusting and cal/mag listings that the rest of the plant magic hard and soft water grow and bloom has.

Would fish mix, guano and seweed give me a complete fertilizer, obviously i have cal/mag to supplement too but of these three i would just have to buy the guano, a cheap alternative to consider??? Peace

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that there is a Cal/Mag product out there that can put organic on its label. Also, can you not mail order any of these products? I get a lot of stuff my mail. I even got a 35 lb bag of coco one time by fedx. It was cheaper to have it shipped, then to drive and get it. Plus my time is worth money as well. COCO is the SHIT!!!!!! All the benefits of soil. With out the hassles.


New Member
Why do you want to ditch BioBizz nutes?
What has changed? (title: "biobizz getting crappy")

BioBizz was all that was available locally when I started growing, and I've never used anything else since.
So I'm ready to try something else.

Regarding PH, you have to consider the original soil PH too (which also has nutrients that alter the PH over time). I'm using BioBizz AllMix organic soil, and BioBizz Grow/Bloom liquids.
Using these 3 nutrients, my PH during flower never drift to a level where I have to worry. My tap-water PH is 8+, but I don't alter it (also, I feed every watering).

Edit: during veg, once in a while I use small amounts of citric acid when watering, but that's all.


Well-Known Member
just figure out the npk, and then use as much as you need to get in the 10~10~10 area. dont go to far past 10 for your N number, i push it to 12 sometimes. i like to use 2x the amount of K than N, i'm not alone when i say mj likes the K i grow more sets of leaves when my K is the leading nute. i keep P below N for veg, but i keep the P above N when flowering.

only use enough bio bizz so that the N level is around 10. bio bizz at full strength 8-2-6 seems totally ok for every other watering.


Well-Known Member
I have had great success with BioNova, another Dutch company. I have just used their Supersoil mix (good for coco as well) throughout my whole grow, and throw some pk13/14 in increased dosages through flower to control the npk ratio.

Peace, DST

saying that, when I went to pick up my 5 litre tub, they never had any so I ended up buying Biobizz. lol. You guys think it is crappy? I have alway just used BioNova or Plagron.


Well-Known Member
you should check out the label on these nutes sometime, you'll be suprised to see they all use the same urea/nitrite Nitrogen. they all use NH3, P2O5, K20 lol... Advance Nutes, Humboldt nutes, bio bizz, miracle grow all have one thing in common, its their npk molecules, the only difference is the labeling and propaganda....

you could use your piss 50-0-0 if you really a die hard believer in that made up term "organic". i can get N from a rock or compost or sea water or piss or sea weed but its all the same after its dried out and grinded into a powder.