Black Flies and Dog Piss..


Well-Known Member
Ok so at first I took the dog piss thing kind of lightly. I figured they would learn there lesson after once or twice, but now im getting fucking MAD.

I woke up this morning to a lot of my fucking leaves BROWN. Fucking Budsites..BROWN..This means the new dog with his nuts has been pissing on it. I showed him exactly what he did wrong and took his obedience to the next level. He wont come within 3 feet of my plant.

Problem solved..


1) Will my white haired newly formed bud-sites grow back?? :evil:
2) How do I keep this large fucking black flies off my plant. There is like 3 on it every time I go out there.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL... the title of this thread made me cringe a little as I was pretty sure I knew what you were going to say your plants are going through..... your dog must have been a LEO in a past life :lol:


Well-Known Member
well the flies wont hurt,and the dog needs to be trained and that takes time ,my little jack russell has learnt where not to piss and knows he is not aloud in my garden.
be persistant with him ,
no need to belt him a very stern no when you see him pissing on any plant in the garden and lots of praise when he pisses in the right places.(so make sure he has a nice tree or a pole to piss on)

you will find they will learn a lot faster


Well-Known Member
I didn't hurt him, he's tough.

I told him No and slapped him under the chin pretty good. also rubbed his nose in it.

Came home to see the other dog pissed on it (I had the 1st dog that pissed on it with me) but i didnt punish him because I didn't catch him in the act...the sad part is I never do.

Good thing I got two plants, one they leave untouched the other they piss all fuckin over.. its like a piss war.

I over-reacted a little and there was only about 1 bud spot with 3/4 hairs browned from the urine. I'd say about 15 leaves were effected. They usually get the pot. Im going to home depot tomorrow to figure something else imagination will run wild there.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I mean beat hem with your own piss, assuming you are a guy, and the dogs feel they are inferior to you, if you piss near it you will win the pissing war and they will leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
if you cant control the dogs just put some kind of border around the pot, chicken wire, stakes in ground+fishing wire etc