Black Jack Feminized


planted a blackjack female seed yesterday already started coming up through the soil...any tips? ill try to get pics on when it grows a little more


im about 14 days in with my blackjack Feminized seeds and they look good and strong but the first two leaves that grew out are starting to curl downwards. whats that mean? is it good or bad?


Well-Known Member
its ok man those useally fall off........i got a blackjack clone i dont know what breeder its from because more than one offer a strain called blackjack ......i asked the budtender where they got it from they didnd know?sorta sucks not knowing.... more than likely nirvana though


thanks man it kinda juss didnt progress yesterday idk why though like it was noticibly growing till yest but it looks like over ngiht it started progressing again any tips i should do to my blackjack to improve


Well-Known Member
sure id say make sure you dont overwater.....and make sure it has all the proper elements needed for the style of grow your doing.....shortcuts wont get you there no faster....


im just growing for personal use i have 2 plants of the same strand, what elements are you talking about? thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
earth wind and need to have good dirt with everything a plant needs in it ....if a plant aint got what it needs in its growing medium you will have to provide it through feeding your plant some sorta nutrient solution during watering..... gonna need plenty of fresh air,stale co2 depleted air wont cut it.....and you need enough light to carry out photosynthesis,..but not so much it gets to hot...and good water and bug control........ect. ect....


i got all that covered, def thought i was doing something wrong but i should be good. ive read up about soils coming with nutrients for only the first 3 weeks or so i have time till i come to that point, but what brand nutrients would you reccommend for vegging and flowering? thanksss


Well-Known Member
well actually id reccommend not useing nutes and having everything you need in the soil already,look up supersoil in the organics section.......but having said that,..i dont have the room to flower big plants in big buckets right now in my small i use roots soil with rainbow mix and some dolomite and azomite thrown in and supplement with earth juice lineup


Well-Known Member
Blackjack weed is awesome!!!! I'm telling you that the high lasts so long it's great. I usually smoke up (well vape up) before me and the wife go to the movies. I vape at home, movies is 25 minutes away. Stay nice and high during the movie and I'm still high when I get home. Now, that's some long lasting stuff and I consider myself to be an everyday user. Good luck with you grow!


Well-Known Member
Blackjack, Nirvana, was my 1st grow. I wish I still had it. It produced heavy, potent bud.


Well-Known Member
that's a pretty general post that won't fetch any information that isn't already available in the forums

nirvana's genetics are pretty great. but it won't grow any different from the next pot plant