Black Spidermites?

im experiencing some pretty bad problems not the least of which is a Spidermite problem.

I'm 6 weeks in veg (longer than I'd like, thanks) and after using avid in week one I'm infected again RIGHT before I was going to flower, so after trying green cleaner, three days later I hit them again with avid at 1.5 ml per gallon. I had a ph issue with my meter early on that I have now corrected, however the plants lower leaves are curling up and turning black. I'll clean the affected leaves off, only to have the plants look worse the next day. New growth is lush, green, healthy and "praying" despite a number of what appears to be large black spider mites. I'm not entirely convinced they ARE spider mites though, as the mites I see on the lower leaves are at most, half the size and mostly white in color. The avid seems to be working on the smaller ones and the bigger black ones seem to only be hanging out on the upper leaves, unfazed by anything.



Well-Known Member
the deal is most bugs are suckers sucking the sap outta the xylem(sap), or just under the bark, whatever the color of the sap is..comes the color of the bug, its no biggy ..buts does make it easier to see, so get your vacuum cleaner out and suck them gentle tho!!! as for your nute burn, dump the rez and use plain water for 24 hours, or over night, then re feed at 75% less for the next 7 days, only increase when you see a positive improvement ..good luck
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the deal is most bugs are suckers sucking the sap outta the xylem(sap), or just under the bark, whatever the color of the sap is..comes the color of the bug, its no biggy ..buts does make it easier to see, so get your vacuum cleaner out and suck them gentle tho!!! as for your nute burn, dump the rez and use plain water for 24 hours, or over night, then re feed at 75% less for the next 7 days, only increase when you see a positive improvement ..good luck
Appreciate the reply.

I'm hand feeding in 1-3 gallon pots (some are in 1 gallon some are in three) in coco coir. I did a flush with 5.5 two days ago, medium is still soaked. Should I way for it to dry out a bit before feeding again? And as for the mites and Avid, does it just take a while for them to die?