Black spots on the veins of my leaves, help?

I noticed a week or so ago my purple kush plant's begain to get little black spots on the vein areas of the leaves. I crawled under to gaze up through the plants and noticed the spots through the llight sining through. They are not on the bottom of the leaves but more on the top. When I look through the magnifier it just looks like a bruise. First it was on the lower leaves but is now showing signs on the single leaves coming out of the flowering buds. I am 6 weeks into budding. No pics yet but will try to get some. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Buds still growing well. :-(


Unfortunatly it is happening to one of my plants as well, on the top leaves. I grew it with fucked up ph and the nute I used I think went sour... I really wish I could flush all my plants, you should too since ur about 3 weeks close to finish yes?


Unfortunatly it is happening to one of my plants as well, on the top leaves. I grew it with fucked up ph and the nute I used I think went sour... I really wish I could flush all my plants, you should too since ur about 3 weeks close to finish yes? I didn't realize this was posted a while ago lol. I hope ur girls made it to a nice harvest