Black spots/tips have me stumped


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm roughly midway through a growing of my freebie herbies dinafem critical + auto seeds and I've noticed some odd discolouration.

Last night I noticed a small amount of weird looking black/grey crispyness at the tips of some of my fan leaves. I wasnt sure what it was and didn't have time to do the research then so l pulled the lights back a bit and turned the swamp cooler on to try drop the light and heat insensity a bit.

When I came back and checked on them this morning I noticed the dark tips had gotten worse and I found most leaves showed dark spots on the underside of the leaves. They almost look like bruises not bugs or bug shit. I've ran through the diagnosis flow charts and articles a few times and I'm not confident in attributing it to anything I've read about so far.

Phosphorus, heat or light stress or some type of insect problem is what I'm leaning towards but I'd really appreciate some help nailing it down.

IMAG0777.jpg IMAG0782.jpg

Fyi, I'm growing in a 1.2*1.2 tent with a 400w mars hydro led, soil perlite mix,and using powerfeed with seasol for nutes


New Member
Just got home from work and its getting worse. Here's some more pictures.

Also noticed that some of the leaf tips are turning black and rolling up.

2015-12-14 14.36.24.jpg 2015-12-14 14.36.17.jpg


Active Member
I say its an internal problem not a pest problem. Give them a good flushing as it could be nute burn. Whats your feeding schedule?