Blew a bulb!?!


Active Member
Hey, I recently plugged a 600 HPS light into a a power strip and added a small exaust fan. Now the light doesn't work. When I asked about the power the fan took, I was told it was like .38 amp or something ridiculously small. Now I have plants in the dark! Help me please.


Well-Known Member
Try plugging your light in without the power bar and see if it works maybe you fried the bar. If not the bulb is dead. Its not a good idea to put finger prints on the bulb either.


Active Member
False alarm everyone, im just dumb and the bulb had jiggled a little when I hooked up the vent and now it is working fine :) Thanks for the help...


Well-Known Member
Bet ya that won't happen again. Good to see your honest most people would have said the buld was fucked!:twisted: