blitzkrieg dried bud! SCHNELL!!!!!


Active Member
Aufmerksamkeit Besatzung !!!!

so i figured a good way to dry bud without losing potency and minimal risk of omplications, like (burning if you are using toaster oven)

i read that buds should not get higher than 80F ... sounds a little unpractical, so i looked into good drying methods.

i remembered that my friend dropped his Ipod into the pool, and in order to fix it, we dunked it in a bowl of dry rice.

so i grabbed a little rice, and split it up, i heated one portion, and the other i just left.

i put the hot portion of rice on bottum of a plate, and topped it with the dry cool portion.then put some experimental buds on top. the rice sucks moisture out of the area, also while the heat is rising! :)

it works pretty well, the rice allows for air circulation, while also sucking moisture. the smell of the bud isnt changed to badly at all either. taste does not suffer i had dried buds in one day, but probably 1-1/2 day will do good.

Vielen Dank für Fische

