Blood on the streets in Portland


Well-Known Member
Saturday a riot was declared in Portland, Oregon when a group called Patriot Prayer led by far right GOP candidate for Senate Joey Gibson clashed with Antifa counter demonstrators.

Good for Antifa

Drive those fucking Nazis back under the rocks they crawled out from under.


Well-Known Member
And the actions of Aunttiffny seals his election bid
No child should ever see Nazis parading in the streets of their city. Especially not a Hispanic or black child.

The Government is constrained by the interpretation courts have given to the first A to allow fascists to demonstrate. So, it's up to the good people of Portland to shut those fuckers down. Which we did.

Fascists were outnumbered two to one. Cops had to interfere once the first charge by club carrying fascists failed and the crowd of antifascists started to rub them out. Antifa forced cops to end the fascist march before they even got started.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
1:49 was good night, sleep tight Commie. If you read the YT comments 99% of the posters are against Antifa and the rest of the country would naturally agree. Antifa = jobless basement dwellers.


Well-Known Member
The left and the right have long since blurred the concept of borders... they act universally wherever they smell opportunity.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Those far right wing loons have a right under the constitution to assemble you shutting them down brings you right down to there leve


Well-Known Member
No it is not... They are trying their hearts out to bring in the communist system in my country,
The only way you can do this is with strict enforcement...

I am a centrist. If both parties don't feel like they are making a compromise, it is not a good deal.