Bloom Enhancers


Active Member
hello all can any 1 tell me the best BLOOM ENHANCERS
and has any 1 used Advanced Nutrients (big bud) or (overdrive ) if so can you tell me what you think and can i use them together



Well-Known Member
you can use foxfarm big bloom there are a lot just search it on google "blooming nutrients for cannabis"...


Active Member
I can honestly say that overdrive is the shiznit. Definately get that. Some others that I use effectively is BCuzz Bloom, Top Booster, PK 13/14, hmmm, MOAB, Supernatural's Bud blast, which is basically the same as moab. Another thing I should ask, is this for the initial flower sets, or are you later in bloom. Cause you can hit them with mad phosporous in the first week to and you'll see bud sites faster. I usually see pistils start forming on day 7 when I hit with high phospo.
Also, be careful of advanced. With my experience and from whay my store guy tells me, sometimes their line can be spoiled. I know they sent him a letter apologizing for over 100 products they stocked him with that were bad. I successfully use connosr.a and b, vodoo, and overdrive. I combine a bunch of different lines though. Right now I'm on a house and garden kick. Amazing results off their Hydro line and Roots Excel. Bud XL is also amazing bloom stimulant used later in the cycle, but again, I hit them in week 1 with what gets fed for week 5. Do not overdo it though, just let your ppm climb about 200 when you add it, no more than that the first week or you'll invite some problems you could've easily avoided. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i use kool bloom and big bud 2gether they work great 4 me, i push my plants and grow in 6x6 rw, ive only used them in rw so i say how theyll work in anything but it


Active Member
Oh, by the way, I'm in coco, drip fed, watered 3 times a day for 60 sec. each. I can't suggest my recipe for hydroton as I hate to grow in that medium.


Active Member
Some growers put approx 1 tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.

Some start with lower amounts (1-2 teaspoons) and work up to 1-3 tablespoons per feed or every other feed.

Probably a good idea to start on the low side and work up.

Molasses provides carbs for the plant which they dig, just like you and me.

Cheap, easy, and easy to get a hold of.

Lots of info about it to be found on this site and grows from those who have used it


Well-Known Member
and has any 1 used Advanced Nutrients (big bud) or (overdrive ) if so can you tell me what you think and can i use them together

yea u can use them together
u can also add Bud Blood and other AN stuff if u want

just check out the AN website they have a calculator that tells u different recipes u can use
or u can call their help line and get more specific info 2 ur grow


Well-Known Member
Uh... okay.

Phosphorus is one of the main nutrients plants need. It's their food. You heard of "NPK"? Phosphorus is the P. It's a macronutrient - exceedingly important.

What does it do? Well it's a vital part of many organic compounds. Nucleic acids, ATP, phospholipids, sugar phosphates and certain co-enzymes all require it.

It's a requirement for the plant to grow.


Well-Known Member
so you say epsom salt has a good amoun tof (P) in it. what about the (k) i use piranha and dutch master zone what is a good (k) for them


Well-Known Member
I'd say FoxFarms nutes too. The have pure salts in them to keep plants from burning.Remember though,if you already didn't know is that bloom enhancers do not help for buds to grow,it's the genetics and the use of 12/12. The nutes just make it accessible to the plant when needed to help form perfect colas.