Blow or American Gangster


Active Member

- Requiem of a Dream

- SLC Punk

- Blow

- Fear and Loathing in Vegas


- Super High Me

- A.K.A Tommy Chong

- Prince of Pot


Well-Known Member

- Requiem of a Dream

- SLC Punk

- Blow

- Fear and Loathing in Vegas


- Super High Me

- A.K.A Tommy Chong

- Prince of Pot
SLC punk, requiem for a dream and fear and loathing are all excellent movies. thank you for being inside my head.


Active Member
hehe thank you!

Theres also a movie called "Spun" that is pretty amazing!

And a documentary called, "Cocaine Cowboys" it's equally amazing.


Well-Known Member
Cocaine Cowboys is the shit. Both 1 and 2. I like American gangster, but they need to make NEW ones.


I liked them both about the same. can watch them every time they come on cable. I need to see cocaine cowboys I heard it was the shit as well


Well-Known Member
Easy Rider

if you haven't seen easy rider, you need to WATCH IT! it is an old movie, and you may see it on AMC/TMC, but you might be better off looking online. It's a definite stoner movie, one of the fore-fathers of all trip out motorcycle hippy vagrant movies :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I like Spun Mickey Rourke is great in it.Blow is really good too.Fear and loathing,Drug store cowboys,where the buffalo roam,easy riders,The wall,the doors,The Salton sea.I would not put American ganster on my list.Came off like straight type people making a drug movie for mass appeal and in that type of movie I liked traffic a lot more.


Well-Known Member
a scanner darkly had a great drug undertone...

trainspotting is just a damn good movie...

50 pills is an ok movie if you've ever seen it...


Well-Known Member
if you like fear and loathing check out "where the buffalo roam" its done in the 80s and bill murray plays the great HST...

a couple other great stoner movies...dazed and confused, stoned age, bongwater, easyrider(first movie portraying pot correctly)

but to answer the thread...BLOW.