blue dream t5 1 week flowering


6 bulb 4 foot around 324 watts half 2700k and half 6400k
2 4ft t12 bulbs vertical in the corners half and half
ffof soil
ff neutrients at half strength
flowering 1 week veged for 3 from clones

what do you guys think there already showing flowers that open sesame must work ive never seen buds show that quickly i hope i didnt let them get to big before i flowered them as i am using the flourescnets to flower i am going to switch to a hps once i move into a new place seams like they slowed on the vertical growth also is that normal for flowering what kind of yeild do you think i am looking at here also



Active Member
just started a blue dream clone.It's still in the 16 oz cup, but it already reeks did yours reek when they were 9" tall?


Well-Known Member
looks good. i am going to use t5 when i veg and flower, i wanna see the difference fluoros have from an HPs.