Blue Hash(outdoor) how long until harvest?


Active Member
Hey guys. Got some pics of my outdoor blue hash, sorry I couldn't get in close for a good trich shot but I was hoping you guys could give me an idea of when I'll be able to harvest her.
Swollen calyxes are seeds, dunno if she wen't hermie, hadn't seen any dicks but I've had 3 other strains growing near by, and there has been wild hemp growing in the area, praying it was one of mine that fucked this plant.
I think shes been flowering for 6 weeks but I'm not sure, shes starting to smell really good now. I don't know exactly how to describe it, kind of like a lemon peel, but not much of a lemon scent.
I was going to go ahead and wait at least until the seeds are fully developed, maybe i'll get lucky with them. But after that, I was wondering if I should expect the other calyxes to swell to the same size as the seed pods. If she is in fact a hermie I don't want to risk all the calyxes getting pollinated.
what do you guys think?

