Blue Mystic- First Time - Advise

Im growing some cabbage-- Blue Mystic Autos. First time growing cabbage, got 3 going. I'm having some temperature issues and have some additional question. Here's the setup.

I have a 400/250 watt HPS Air Cooled Hood (using 400w), and then they're surrounded by 300 watts of CFL's in different light temperatures. Temps around the leaves are from 86-92, usually 88. Temps at bottom of pots are 78 degrees. I'm in a closet, got 4x5x2 to work with as far as space. Fresh-air isn't an option and I dont have the money for an AC unit, or space for that matter. What's a brother got to do to cool this temp down? Look at Lisa for me and see if you can help please!

Bottom leaves are kinda saggy and look like nutrient burn or something? Top leaves are curling, heat stress?
Planted 4 weeks ago, 50% potting soil, 25% peat moss and 25% perlite added in. I could be over watering her? Haven't fed it, but I have some nutrients. Any info on when to start that?


Well-Known Member
You should just take all the cfls out, or at least some of them. I'd think that 400w would have everything good to go.


Active Member
i would say there's to many lights in there for the space that you've got. im also growing in closet but got the whole high of the room to play with, using a 400w hps and thats providing more than enough heat and light. a little on the warm side but pretty much got it sorted. dont see the need for the 400w and the cfl's at the same time. just my opinion but would try using 1 or the other and see your results.