bluewizard's bubonic


Well-Known Member
I got a digital camera on boxing with some Christmas money so now I can start my grow journal properly, with pics.

This is my first grow. It started in mid October, when I finished building the closet and started germinating the 20 or so bagseeds my roommate and I had amassed over the past year. I think there were 22 seeds total, but only eight of them sprouted. These eight were potted after a few days and following that one of them died before it broke the soil. The seven remaining plants outgrew the small pots and were transplanted into 1 gallon pots. They're all still alive...

The Closet
The closet in my bedroom is a walk-in, with access to the air duct that blows air from the dryer outside. It is the perfect space for me to grow. I've got a 600W HPS over 8 square feet of canopy. I've got fresh cold air from outside venting in and the filtered hot air is blown outside. Right now, temps are in the low 80s during lights on and low 70s during lights off however this wasn't the case at the beginning, so growth was slow for a while.

The Veg
My seven plants are still in veg right now. They were on 24 hours of light for two weeks from seed and have been on 18/6 for the past two months. They were very neglected for a long time early on because I had no feel for what I was doing so I decided to just let them do their own thing. I hung the light a little too high so they stretched then i moved it up again (dumbass) so they stretched some more. They were also under-watered and over-fed (started feeding WAY too early). One of the guys I work with used to have a small grow and he gave me some tips and turned me towards better techniques and practices. Having said that, I was also experimenting with the tips and techniques I picked up here and I have yielded pretty good results.

Basically, for the first month of veg they were being watered and fed once a week, even during the seedling stage of their life cycle. They were very tall and sparse because the lower leaves were always dying and falling off. This I think is what slowed down the growth the most.

After that first month of hell, I screwed my head on and figured out what was going on with the plants. I tied them all down (and had already supercropped somewhat successfully) because they were so tall and started watering every day (smaller amounts of course) and feeding every other day. This did amazing things for the secondary growth. That new growth quickly filled the void caused by the dead fan leaves. They've been growing like that for a month now and they all have potential to grow SEVERAL tops each. One plant in particular is very bushy and still has lots of new growth coming in. At the last count it had six tops and there were at least four more starting to show. Now there are four plants doing well (three doing well - very well, one doing alright) and three doing not so well. I've got pictures of the good ones, and I'll use the not so good ones for clones when I flower them.

The Flower
As it stands, I'm planning to start flowering on New Years Day. Very easy to keep track of how old they are and such. I know all of the four good plants have alternating node growth now somewhere on the plant. One of them is obviously female too. I don't know is four more days is enough time for them, but I'm pretty sure they're ready to flower now and I'm dying to smoke them.

The Pics

