Bodhis recommendations please?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've read nothing but good stuff about bodhis gear and obviously most of it is out of stock. Has anyone ran any of the stuff that is still left in stock on attitude seed bank? I would really appreciate it if someone could reccomend a good indica for me please? If not can someone recommend another good breeder with an equally good reputation? Thanks
definitely checkout the bodhiguide instagram, basically every strain is on there at some point. hashplant 4, neroli 91, sunra, granola funk, herer hashplant (would go for this personally), dread bread if ur into f2ing stuff, are all great choices
If you're in the US try different banks for Bodhi like:
Great lakes genetics
Dcseedexchange, might carry bodhi but does carry Useful seeds which is top notch.

If you hop over to the Bodhi thread here in this section those folks can really help you out, very knowledgeable.
Unfortunately I'm not no im the UK, I wasnt aware of anyone but attitude that stocked bodhis stuff. I'll definitely take a look at those if they deliver over here. Thanks for the info and yes I will hop over to the bodhi thread too
definitely checkout the bodhiguide instagram, basically every strain is on there at some point. hashplant 4, neroli 91, sunra, granola funk, herer hashplant (would go for this personally), dread bread if ur into f2ing stuff, are all great choices
Thank you very much I'll be taking a look on insta!!!! Havent bred anything before I've only used fems but I've read a lot about it and this is something I cant wait to try. I'll be ordering a few packs if I can get them. Hashplant 4, granola funk and dread bread sound really good!!! I cant thank you all enough for this information it's much appreciated guys
Thank you very much I'll be taking a look on insta!!!! Havent bred anything before I've only used fems but I've read a lot about it and this is something I cant wait to try. I'll be ordering a few packs if I can get them. Hashplant 4, granola funk and dread bread sound really good!!! I cant thank you all enough for this information it's much appreciated guys
More Cowbell I like better than granola funk. Granola Funk has better bag appeal.