bong water? + or -?


Active Member
i was curious if i pour bong water into one of plants regularly if it will benefit the plant at all? like give nutrients or make it more dank? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
plants dont like it when you blow smoke on them. but theydo like it when you just breathe on them


Well-Known Member
No and I generally wouldn't recommend it. If you haven't heard about before it probably doesnt't work.


Well-Known Member
ok lol...anyone have expeirience with watering with bong water?
please tell me your joking.

think about it. whats bong water? its water that filters out the tar in your smoke. do you think you plants will like tar? if so, then go to town.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
To put it simpley. It's a poor idea to use bong water. ask yourself. What is bong water? It's a frigging filter It takes some of the shit out you don't want to put into you lungs. Why give it to your plant?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Did you find an urban growers legend book some plkace lol got all kinds of myths that make no sense you checkin on lol...smoke and bong water no good.


Well-Known Member
Maybe If you are smoking near your gurilla grow you could tip your "clean" bong water over your plants. I used to do it after a session around my plants. A good nutrient enriched water is the best thing for your plants, Not dirty old filter water (but small ammounts wont hurt)... Something I have never done though is blow smoke over my plants, the smoke is filled with copious amounts of deadly compunds that will make your enviroment toxic not only for your plants but for youself. I talk to my plants to give them good c02. Smoke contains heaps of things like carbon monoxide and carsonogenics (cancer causing cells).

Cheers kwaka

P.s. in short Feeding your plant bong water isnt a done thing nor is it recomended.


Active Member
hahaa ok so no more blowing smoke on my plants, and i dont think im gunna use bong water either. just some ideas i came up with when i baked off my ass
U Can try to concentrate the thc into the water the same way u make coffee except u dnt use fodgers use weed in the filter the weed will be useless after doe try alcohol instead of water make a great drink GOTTA COFFEE MAKER:bigjoint: