

lookin aweosme brother, keep up the good work! especially if this is you first or first few times, then your doing great but no mattr what goodjob bro! keep posting pics and keep us updated, maybe get er into a bigger pot\, soon it will become to root bounded that tiny ass pot, get some nice soil and a big huge pot, like 10 gallons or more foroutside or, throw it in the ground and it will get even bigger, no matter what happens, good luck bro

edit: dmyers, if u like that and think its cool and never seen nothin like that then goto google and put in ''the main line thread'' on ROLLITUP.ORG. its an awesome source of info for this type fo growing, he mainlines all the branches so its all evenly sized and shaped so they get smae amount of water and can move same amt thru the stems etc and all that good stuff.

ps. i will get the url hold

this is the thread im talking about, great source of info for this type of stuff, i personally just tie the branches down all the way as much as i can anbd as many branches as i can and it becomes similar to what this gentlemen do, good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
I've got a few good candidates, cutting's I'm neglecting.Plenty of internodal growth.Might just try this for the pic's alone.Rep+


yeah buddy look at how thick those 2 branches got from where you topped it. Bonsaii in this world is a form of LST. If you grow real bonsai you know the difficulty in keeping those roots happy in small pots....a real pain in the ass on hot days. I'm sure when it flowers it is going to look awesome though!


Well-Known Member
I had a bubblegum that I would train to four feet across and eighteen to twenty four inches tall. It produced a lot of small buds, but was well worth the work. Wish I still had it.
Pretty neat. I'm also a bonsai grower, but not of this variety. Here's some pics I took while at the National Arboretum:

It's a neat hobby.


Well-Known Member
Sweet Pic's.A friend of mine picked up an awesome one while we were in Japan, when we got back to Ca we took great care of it and it was good mojo.We had no idea how resilient the thing was.All of the Helicopter Squadron's deployed for Desert Storm and we didn't know anyone else so we put it in a bowl of water sorta like a DWC emergency water supply.That little war didn't take too long so 8 weeks later we got back to our quarter's and the Little Bonzai had grown a shoot out of the center of the tree and it grew 12-15 ft across the ceiling and was chilling in the sunlight, alive. My Buddy has Her now in Utah.