Bonzai trees!


Well-Known Member
Everyone should grow bonsai trees. They are miniature trees and Mine is the Chinese elm, remarked for its notable curving trunk. They are sweet, you only have to water them once a week, and they can live to be 100 years old. Typically they are bought about 10years old, mine is about 11 years old, and if you sell them when they are 30 years old they can be as much as 2 grand! A good collectors item for your garden. Does anyone else have bonsai that you can post?



Well-Known Member
bonzais are tight...i had one..i found this stem with leaves sticking out in my bakyard and dug it was like a mini tree under had a nice trunk and everything. yea so i kept it in the kitchen by the window...and the first night i put it in my room i hit a nba 8 team parlay for 1700 dollars.


Well-Known Member
damn, that herb plant looks good! that stalk is similar to my bonzai heh. yeah you can minaturize any plant. it;s all a matter of pruning/topping : )


Well-Known Member
damn, that herb plant looks good! that stalk is similar to my bonzai heh. yeah you can minaturize any plant. it;s all a matter of pruning/topping : )

Pruning and topping important but keeping the roots confined is actually what keeps them small. I'm a big bonsai guy, killed a few of them in my day. Fukein tea are my favorite.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I like fukein, also like the Ginseng tree. Is the fukein with the small Rounded leaves? Ginseng has a FAT trunk, looks awesome