Many of the "organic" products are bullshit, some of them ROCK!
For the most part you need to rely on your own knowledge, and research to determine if something qualifies as organic, for instance, if the product contains ingredients that you dont know what they are, probably not organic, Ive noticed many of these products contain preservatives like EDTA etc...
Remember, even "certified organic" products are only required by law to make sure 95% of the product is organic, to be labeled as organic, and most of the nasty chemical or synthetic shit added to these bottles is in the PPM..
Thats why I tend to make my own nutes, or use bottled formulas with very minimal ingredients from trusted companies.
Anyone looking to get away from the hype of grow shops, who are looking to sell you 20 $18 bottles of everything under the sun...
Check out
Tested products, simple ingredients, bulk orders and NO HYPE!