Well-Known Member
McCain and Obama By : TheBrutalTruth (2008-10-21 19:22:20)
There's a lot of problems with the candidates. I mean, besides the fact that one is a wanna be Socialist Democrat and the other is a wanna be Communist Party Member. But that's what makes them so similar.
First off, we have the accursed bail out that is shafting the citizens for members fo the elite. This is the same kind of bullshit that goes on in China and France, where the government subsidizes useless companies (read Airbus) so that they can compete against useful companies (read Boeing).
It's been illustrated that Command Economies do not work. It didn't work in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and it didn't work in pre-Capitalist China (PRC, not ROC). It still doesn't work in North Korea.
These two boneheads can't wrap their heads around the fact that you can not order the economy to work. You need to get the Hell out of the way and let it work on its own.
In addition to being completely Communistic (From the producers to the elite) this bail out is anti-competitive. Does any one remember the Wells Fargo vs Citibank fight over Wachovia?
Why was the government trying to stop Wells Fargo from purchasing Wachovia in whole? That was the best idea for the disposition of Wachovia period. The answer of course is that they were protecting their contributors, and thus acting in an anti-competitive fashion.
If any one should have decided the final disposition of Wachovia it shouldn't have been the Federal Government, but its shareholders (owners).
Of course, seeing as how the government already dictates to us the final disposition of our assets when we die should it be any surprise that it is now trying to do the same with dead companies?
Of course, the bail out can also be described as rewarding stupidity and greed. No one made the bankers engage in Credit Default Swaps, Derivatives and the whole slew of other toxic financial gimmicks that they engaged in. Why should the tax payers be forced to pay for their stupidity?
Both candidates in the height of stupidity have mentioned price stability. I don't know how many people will remember the 80s when Reagan announced he was removing the price caps from Gasoline and instead of shooting up like the socialists on Wall St predicted they fell. Well, it looks like the government, not content with its lesson from before is going to try stabilizing housing prices. The only problem is that the housing market is a lot more difficult to control than the oil market.
What's more retarded is how the current housing prices came to be because of the government's insistence on "affordable" housing. I don't think that the current housing prices are "affordable". I know I can't afford one (or justify purchasing one), and I know damn sure my friends in NM who make 66% less than I do can't afford one. Then there are my friends in Michigan, who I know can't afford one. So, who can afford these un-"affordable" houses? Probably people making more than $75K/year. (Or 2 of Obama's precious teachers).
So, once again thanks to government interference in the markets the middle class is finding itself priced out of the markets except in economically blighted areas where they wouldn't want to live to because there are no jobs. Affordable housing for the Elite, maybe, for the Middle Class and Working Poor, not so much.
More so, any attempt to control the housing market is Un American. Any attempt to "make" the economy work is Un American. Heck, Taxes are Un American, and any one who doubts that is perfectly welcome to go and read their history books (specifically the Revolutionary War). Obama and McCain are both Communists and Un American, regardless of where either of those Socialists were born!
Anyway, I'm done focusing on both candidates. Let me focus on Obama. First off, this jack ass has made some statements in the past about how U.S. Forces are killing civilians. I hate to break it to him, but so were the Taliban. During the time period he made this comment Al-Qaida and the Taliban killed 231 Civilians. US Forces killed 286. Hardly thousands, and not at all incomparable.
Then there's the small fact that he predicted the surge was not going to work. I'm sure he wanted to pry his foot out of the back of his throat after that one, because the Surge worked. Which, amazingly, he admitted.
Then there was his comment in the debates about the US Forces not being greeted as liberators. There's a lot of pictures floating around that would prove the opposite, and here's one of them.
And to prove that Obama is full of shit, here's something else that proves how arrogant and out of touch with reality that braggart is.
YouTube - Iraqi Voter Tells Liberals to Go To Hell
What's even funnier is the fact that Obama positions himself as understanding the middle class. He doesn't understand the middle class. Did any one here make $5 Million last year?
Neither did I, but Obama did.
Then there's some major (and not so major) figures in the Obama Campaign.
First, there's Obama's pastor, Wright, who apparently wants God to Damn America. Well, America, we can rest assured that God has damned America, we have Obama and McCain as our two main party candidates. If that's not proof of a deity damning us I don't know what is.
Then there's Michelle Obama, who wasn't proud of America until Obama got the nod from the Democrats. What the heck?
And who can forget her accusing America of being "down right mean." Maybe she was talking about other people that make $5 Million a year like the Obama's I don't know.
Just in those two statements I think she has proven that she is not first lady material. First off, I don't want some one who is going to be apologizing for "our lack of Socialism" when addressing the U.N. I want some one who is going to go up to those would be bullies, petty tyrants and assholes and go, "We're not kissing your ass!"
Let's not forget indicted businessman Tony Rezko, who helped the Obama's purchase their house. Maybe there was nothing there but a case of bad judgment, but just the fact that Obama had the lack of judgment to be associated with such a creep makes you wonder about his judgment in other things. After all, you can be judged by who your friends are.
Then there's Obama's Voting Record.
3-24-07 - 1 of 14 Democrats to vote against additional Iraqi Troop Funding. (That means most Democrats supported it.)
1-11-07 - Voted against Earmark Reform (which had majority Democrat support)
Of course, when you have $900M in ear marks it's kind of hard to see how you could be opposed to earmarks.
6-22-06 - Voted against acquisition of the F-22 Fighter and the F-119 Engine. (another vote that Democrats supported in general.)
5-17-06 - Voted against increased fencing on the US-Mexican Border, against the majority of his party.
9-29-05 - Voted against confirming Justice John Roberts.
8-03-07 - Voted against US Intel agencies being allowed to eavesdrop on foreign terrorist suspects. I think the keyword there is Foreign Terrorist Suspects.
3-25-06 - Voted to support massive Amnesty.
5-11-06 - Voted against Bush Tax Cuts.
1-31-06 - Voted against Confirming Justice Samuel Alito.
There's more, stupidity in his voting record, but in the interest of moving on to McCain's stupidity I thought I'd stop here.
McCain is another incompetent politican who thinks he deserves to run this Republic.
There's several problems with McCain. First and foremost is the fact that he supports massive Amnesty. While I am sure that this is massively popular with the illegal immigrant crowd (which can't vote) I don't think it's so popular with the rest of the nation. Secure our borders, secure our cities, and then let the illegal immigrants leave and attempt to re-enter.
There's another problem with McCain's support of Amnesty. He doesn't want to build a fence to secure our borders first. This does not strike me as a rational, or logical decision.
As, Ron Paul said, "When you subsidize something you get more of it."
More insulting to the American People is the fact that McCain supports a racist organization called La Raza, which roughly translates as "The Race". I don't know about any one else, but to me it sounds like they are about to start running around advocating the murder of non-Mexicans everywhere.
We are La Raza
We will kill all non Mexicans
O E O, Ooooo E O!
There's even a bigger problem than their name, and that problem is the fact that those assholes think that the SW should be given back to Mexico or be allowed to secede from the Union and become "the Republic of the North". Actually, as long as they take California and leave us Texas that's fine by me. Not really. It's our territory, we kicked the shit out of them and liberated the Pueblo Indians from rape at the hands of Spanish Conquistadors. That, and there was never more Mexicans in the Southwest then there were Americans. Texas rebelled because there were so few Mexicans in it in the 1820s that they felt like they were being lead by a distant tyrannical regime. (Maybe it was the 1830s)
These same clowns are claiming that the SW was seized unjustly. From what I understand about history the sequence of events went something like this.
1. Mexico declares independence from Spain
2. Texas rebels, wins independence
3. Texas seeks acceptance into US as a State
4. Mexico declares war when Texas becomes a State
5. United States kicks the shit out of Mexico, and because of the trouble they caused takes some more territory.
6. United States purchased some land (The Gadsen Purchase) from Mexico)
I'm thinking that if any one owes any one it's them that owes us even more land for trying to feed us bullshit, and ignoring the fact that neither them, nor we were here first, but the Native Americans were here first.
You know, I haven't heard any one on the reservations in New Mexico saying they want to be annexed by Mexico, so I don't see where these jerks get off saying that they think they should be allowed to take our territory because we "owe" them and seized it unjustly.
What the hell do we owe them? They come up here and work because they can make more up here doing some menial job then they can in their own country. Perhaps we should secure our border and throw all of them out and see how they like that.
So, that's just one facet of McCain's ever glistening stupidity.
The next Facet is his opposition to coercive interrogation. The interrogation methods that the United States Military uses make what the terrorists would use look nice.
First, our forces used sleep deprivation, diet management and stress positions. In a few cases they woke up detainees with Christina Aguilera, but that's nothing compared to the wiring of car batteries to genitals, and other sensitive areas, dismemberment, and other physically scarring tortures Al-Qaida and our enemies would use.
Perhaps some one should remind McCain about the quote stating that War should not be so sweet that we seek it out and enjoy it. The idea is that war is something that should only be used as the last resort, not something that we are eager to rush into. On that basis it should be ugly and horrific.
Let's not forget his opposition to Political Free Speech with his Campaign Finance Reform bill. No longer is it possible to take an ad out to support a candidate because you would likely end up exceeding campaign spending limits.
No longer can you add links to your website or make political statements, with out risking violation of the law.
Even worse is that McCain is a Globalist, and not the good kind that wants complete free trade. No, he's the kind that wants to screw America over with acts like NAFTA that doesn't create a level playing field.
He also wants to surrender sovereignty of the oceans which are recognized as either being sovereign territory of whatever nation they are with in 200 miles of to being free for the use of everyone to the United Nations. I see this backfiring against the US greatly if we ever actually take it seriously to the point of asking the UN for permission to sale across the Atlantic or Pacific because we have to deploy soldiers to a war zone.
In short, neither candidate is qualified to run this country, and neither candidate can truly be entrusted to act in the best interests of the American People.
There's a lot of problems with the candidates. I mean, besides the fact that one is a wanna be Socialist Democrat and the other is a wanna be Communist Party Member. But that's what makes them so similar.
First off, we have the accursed bail out that is shafting the citizens for members fo the elite. This is the same kind of bullshit that goes on in China and France, where the government subsidizes useless companies (read Airbus) so that they can compete against useful companies (read Boeing).
It's been illustrated that Command Economies do not work. It didn't work in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and it didn't work in pre-Capitalist China (PRC, not ROC). It still doesn't work in North Korea.
These two boneheads can't wrap their heads around the fact that you can not order the economy to work. You need to get the Hell out of the way and let it work on its own.
In addition to being completely Communistic (From the producers to the elite) this bail out is anti-competitive. Does any one remember the Wells Fargo vs Citibank fight over Wachovia?
Why was the government trying to stop Wells Fargo from purchasing Wachovia in whole? That was the best idea for the disposition of Wachovia period. The answer of course is that they were protecting their contributors, and thus acting in an anti-competitive fashion.
If any one should have decided the final disposition of Wachovia it shouldn't have been the Federal Government, but its shareholders (owners).
Of course, seeing as how the government already dictates to us the final disposition of our assets when we die should it be any surprise that it is now trying to do the same with dead companies?
Of course, the bail out can also be described as rewarding stupidity and greed. No one made the bankers engage in Credit Default Swaps, Derivatives and the whole slew of other toxic financial gimmicks that they engaged in. Why should the tax payers be forced to pay for their stupidity?
Both candidates in the height of stupidity have mentioned price stability. I don't know how many people will remember the 80s when Reagan announced he was removing the price caps from Gasoline and instead of shooting up like the socialists on Wall St predicted they fell. Well, it looks like the government, not content with its lesson from before is going to try stabilizing housing prices. The only problem is that the housing market is a lot more difficult to control than the oil market.
What's more retarded is how the current housing prices came to be because of the government's insistence on "affordable" housing. I don't think that the current housing prices are "affordable". I know I can't afford one (or justify purchasing one), and I know damn sure my friends in NM who make 66% less than I do can't afford one. Then there are my friends in Michigan, who I know can't afford one. So, who can afford these un-"affordable" houses? Probably people making more than $75K/year. (Or 2 of Obama's precious teachers).
So, once again thanks to government interference in the markets the middle class is finding itself priced out of the markets except in economically blighted areas where they wouldn't want to live to because there are no jobs. Affordable housing for the Elite, maybe, for the Middle Class and Working Poor, not so much.
More so, any attempt to control the housing market is Un American. Any attempt to "make" the economy work is Un American. Heck, Taxes are Un American, and any one who doubts that is perfectly welcome to go and read their history books (specifically the Revolutionary War). Obama and McCain are both Communists and Un American, regardless of where either of those Socialists were born!
Anyway, I'm done focusing on both candidates. Let me focus on Obama. First off, this jack ass has made some statements in the past about how U.S. Forces are killing civilians. I hate to break it to him, but so were the Taliban. During the time period he made this comment Al-Qaida and the Taliban killed 231 Civilians. US Forces killed 286. Hardly thousands, and not at all incomparable.
Then there's the small fact that he predicted the surge was not going to work. I'm sure he wanted to pry his foot out of the back of his throat after that one, because the Surge worked. Which, amazingly, he admitted.
Then there was his comment in the debates about the US Forces not being greeted as liberators. There's a lot of pictures floating around that would prove the opposite, and here's one of them.

And to prove that Obama is full of shit, here's something else that proves how arrogant and out of touch with reality that braggart is.
YouTube - Iraqi Voter Tells Liberals to Go To Hell
What's even funnier is the fact that Obama positions himself as understanding the middle class. He doesn't understand the middle class. Did any one here make $5 Million last year?
Neither did I, but Obama did.
Then there's some major (and not so major) figures in the Obama Campaign.
First, there's Obama's pastor, Wright, who apparently wants God to Damn America. Well, America, we can rest assured that God has damned America, we have Obama and McCain as our two main party candidates. If that's not proof of a deity damning us I don't know what is.
Then there's Michelle Obama, who wasn't proud of America until Obama got the nod from the Democrats. What the heck?
And who can forget her accusing America of being "down right mean." Maybe she was talking about other people that make $5 Million a year like the Obama's I don't know.
Just in those two statements I think she has proven that she is not first lady material. First off, I don't want some one who is going to be apologizing for "our lack of Socialism" when addressing the U.N. I want some one who is going to go up to those would be bullies, petty tyrants and assholes and go, "We're not kissing your ass!"
Let's not forget indicted businessman Tony Rezko, who helped the Obama's purchase their house. Maybe there was nothing there but a case of bad judgment, but just the fact that Obama had the lack of judgment to be associated with such a creep makes you wonder about his judgment in other things. After all, you can be judged by who your friends are.
Then there's Obama's Voting Record.
3-24-07 - 1 of 14 Democrats to vote against additional Iraqi Troop Funding. (That means most Democrats supported it.)
1-11-07 - Voted against Earmark Reform (which had majority Democrat support)
Of course, when you have $900M in ear marks it's kind of hard to see how you could be opposed to earmarks.
6-22-06 - Voted against acquisition of the F-22 Fighter and the F-119 Engine. (another vote that Democrats supported in general.)
5-17-06 - Voted against increased fencing on the US-Mexican Border, against the majority of his party.
9-29-05 - Voted against confirming Justice John Roberts.
8-03-07 - Voted against US Intel agencies being allowed to eavesdrop on foreign terrorist suspects. I think the keyword there is Foreign Terrorist Suspects.
3-25-06 - Voted to support massive Amnesty.
5-11-06 - Voted against Bush Tax Cuts.
1-31-06 - Voted against Confirming Justice Samuel Alito.
There's more, stupidity in his voting record, but in the interest of moving on to McCain's stupidity I thought I'd stop here.
McCain is another incompetent politican who thinks he deserves to run this Republic.
There's several problems with McCain. First and foremost is the fact that he supports massive Amnesty. While I am sure that this is massively popular with the illegal immigrant crowd (which can't vote) I don't think it's so popular with the rest of the nation. Secure our borders, secure our cities, and then let the illegal immigrants leave and attempt to re-enter.
There's another problem with McCain's support of Amnesty. He doesn't want to build a fence to secure our borders first. This does not strike me as a rational, or logical decision.
As, Ron Paul said, "When you subsidize something you get more of it."
More insulting to the American People is the fact that McCain supports a racist organization called La Raza, which roughly translates as "The Race". I don't know about any one else, but to me it sounds like they are about to start running around advocating the murder of non-Mexicans everywhere.
We are La Raza
We will kill all non Mexicans
O E O, Ooooo E O!
There's even a bigger problem than their name, and that problem is the fact that those assholes think that the SW should be given back to Mexico or be allowed to secede from the Union and become "the Republic of the North". Actually, as long as they take California and leave us Texas that's fine by me. Not really. It's our territory, we kicked the shit out of them and liberated the Pueblo Indians from rape at the hands of Spanish Conquistadors. That, and there was never more Mexicans in the Southwest then there were Americans. Texas rebelled because there were so few Mexicans in it in the 1820s that they felt like they were being lead by a distant tyrannical regime. (Maybe it was the 1830s)
These same clowns are claiming that the SW was seized unjustly. From what I understand about history the sequence of events went something like this.
1. Mexico declares independence from Spain
2. Texas rebels, wins independence
3. Texas seeks acceptance into US as a State
4. Mexico declares war when Texas becomes a State
5. United States kicks the shit out of Mexico, and because of the trouble they caused takes some more territory.
6. United States purchased some land (The Gadsen Purchase) from Mexico)
I'm thinking that if any one owes any one it's them that owes us even more land for trying to feed us bullshit, and ignoring the fact that neither them, nor we were here first, but the Native Americans were here first.
You know, I haven't heard any one on the reservations in New Mexico saying they want to be annexed by Mexico, so I don't see where these jerks get off saying that they think they should be allowed to take our territory because we "owe" them and seized it unjustly.
What the hell do we owe them? They come up here and work because they can make more up here doing some menial job then they can in their own country. Perhaps we should secure our border and throw all of them out and see how they like that.
So, that's just one facet of McCain's ever glistening stupidity.
The next Facet is his opposition to coercive interrogation. The interrogation methods that the United States Military uses make what the terrorists would use look nice.
First, our forces used sleep deprivation, diet management and stress positions. In a few cases they woke up detainees with Christina Aguilera, but that's nothing compared to the wiring of car batteries to genitals, and other sensitive areas, dismemberment, and other physically scarring tortures Al-Qaida and our enemies would use.
Perhaps some one should remind McCain about the quote stating that War should not be so sweet that we seek it out and enjoy it. The idea is that war is something that should only be used as the last resort, not something that we are eager to rush into. On that basis it should be ugly and horrific.
Let's not forget his opposition to Political Free Speech with his Campaign Finance Reform bill. No longer is it possible to take an ad out to support a candidate because you would likely end up exceeding campaign spending limits.
No longer can you add links to your website or make political statements, with out risking violation of the law.
Even worse is that McCain is a Globalist, and not the good kind that wants complete free trade. No, he's the kind that wants to screw America over with acts like NAFTA that doesn't create a level playing field.
He also wants to surrender sovereignty of the oceans which are recognized as either being sovereign territory of whatever nation they are with in 200 miles of to being free for the use of everyone to the United Nations. I see this backfiring against the US greatly if we ever actually take it seriously to the point of asking the UN for permission to sale across the Atlantic or Pacific because we have to deploy soldiers to a war zone.
In short, neither candidate is qualified to run this country, and neither candidate can truly be entrusted to act in the best interests of the American People.