~Bottled Water+Coir..Am I Good?~


New Member
Ok..so I currently have 2 nice,green seedlings in small plastic cups filled with coco coir+perlite.Every day Im watering with untampered bottled water,no nutrients as of yet.When I start feeding them,Ima start with low doses of Bat Guano+Bottled water...I have a few questions though...

1.What is the normal Ph of bottled water,it should be neutral right?? :-?

2.Since bottled water has no nutrients,should I be adding anything to the coir?Ive heard you have to add some type of Cal-Mag,is this true?How soon should I start feeding them,considering coir has no nutrients like soil?....:eyesmoke:

3.Im using the Miracle Grow Perlite,will the roots absorb the nutrient in it..or not?Any body else use MG Perlite?Does it cause nute burn?

Ok..so what is the usual range Ph of bottled water??Should I lower it even more?If so,how can I do this?Ive heard of using vinegar..or should I jus leave it how it is??Also,what household things can I use for Cal-Mag??
there are no substitutes for cal/mag. Yes vinegar can be used to lower the pH. Buy a pH tester with the red drops for pools, I don't know he pH of bottled water.
Oh ok..where can I buy this Ph test thing??Should I just order the test strips?Anybody else have any answers to my questions?
the test strips aren't as accurate as the drops. You can get the test kits at any wal-mart, home depot, or lowes