bottom isnt done


Active Member
the top of my plants (stawberry blue) i've already harvested for they were ready, but the lower part of plant is still growing small dainty looking buds. they still look good quality but will they ever fully mature in time? .... is it possibly to lack of light from side? i have a heat lamp and 2 flourecent lights from above with foil everywhere. i grew in soil also... been flowering for 9almost 10 weeks ish.


Well-Known Member
Yes side lighting plays a huge role in lower bud development,normally if the lower bud sites are well light through the entire flowering period they will produce some decent buds,when the lower bud sites stay under light for most the flowering cycle they produce very whispy buds that wont fill in.

My advice would be to put some side lighting near the lower bud sites to allow them to mature the rest of the way,chances are that if they are still little whispy buds after 9 weeks budding they will mature but wont fill out that much.


Well-Known Member
If you have harvested the tops, then the lower buds will be getting more light now, side lighting is good, also you can lean the plant over, to expose more of the buds to the top light.
And get rid of the foil, it creates " hot spots" use Mylar instead.


Active Member
thanks for the tips.... the stawberry blue strain came out nice, decent sized colas... really heavy "high" and so sticky you could use it as flypaper or some weird weed tape. drying i think is going by a bit faster since the climate i live in (alaska) and its the winter so its dryer then EVER. and im using a airtight suction jar to cure em and keeping them in a cool dark place


Active Member
Have you got any grow journal going or any pics to share?
I'm growing the same strain and I'm a little over 2 weeks into flowering,
got a pic of one of the plants in my gallery.