bottom leafs yellowing?


Well-Known Member
hi this is my first grow im doing barneys farm blue cheese just started week 4 of veg and leafs started going a bit yellow im using coco soil with bio blizz nuts...says in week 4 to add Epson salt witch I did correctly the amount it says to 1 litre all has been going fine until now ill post some pics



Well-Known Member
Thats a ph problem alright. You can fix this. The leaves that show signs of damage will die off but its the new growth we want to save.


Well-Known Member
yes I have a ph waterproof pen I mix 5 gallon drums up each time once nuts added ph is usualy 5.5 so I use ph up to get it up to 6 to 6.5 from my pics do you think ph to low or to high?


Well-Known Member
I have a ph pen mix 5 gallon drums ph usualy 5.5 once added nuts so use ph up to get it to 6 to 6.5


Well-Known Member
what ive noticed tho when cheking ph in my drums it tends to drop as days go buy is that normal?


Well-Known Member
Don't store mixed solution unless you're aerating it and keeping it moving. You might want to flush and start with some fresh nute solution. I'm not sure if that's lock out or a def, hard to tell with the information provided. I was never that great at hydro kind of setups I'm an organic farmer myself. I know your not on a table with pumps but coco is pretty much just like hydro as far as im concerned, you have to give your plants absolutely everything they're going to need. Your substrate will supply nothing but support for the plant for the most part. Alot of people like to have that control, I don't. Best of luck fellow farmer, :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Sun King, if you are not adding calmag to your nutes, now is the right time to start. Deficiencies of Calcium and or Magnesium usually show up it seems at about 4 to 5 weeks. Just a thought. Peace


Well-Known Member
I was going through my grow area today and found a great book I had bought 4-5 years ago, it's called Marijuana Garden Saver. It's edited by Ed Rosenthal, so you know it's good. Anyways it has just about every bug def, disease or stress problem you'll have and organic and chemical solutions how to avoid in the first place. It touches on soil and a little hydro, tells you how to control it all from the beginning. It's a great read for beginners and a good refresher for more experienced growers. I really can't say enough about it, alot of cannabis growing books aren't really good or are geared at high production, this is all the little details to make you succesful enough to move on to something like big production. I really have to agree with the others it really looks like a classic calcium def to me. the purple along with the rust looking spots, and yellowing. If this keeps going on the roots will never develop correctly and will start to rot and your plant will become brittle and not bend but snap. Some cal/mag will help and you can top dress with some gypsum if you want. A tiny bit of hydrated lime will help her in a hurry, but too much will burn her up. There are liquid lime and other such things you can use, depends on how desperate your girls are getting and how fast you want the solution to kick in. Good luck with your girls bro. :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
thanks for reply im going to get some cal mag in morning and a ph tester for my soil and I will look into lime? didn't kno that would help...well I am a newb and all I can do is lern from the pros lol


Well-Known Member
been to shop today got some canna calcium and bio nova mg0-8 and some mix called halo to spray thay didn't do cal mag so will hive this a go