Bottom Leaves Yellowing....Please Help


My plants are 7 weeks old, in FFOF, started using bloom nutes Part A & B about 3 weeks ago, I wter them every 2nd or 3rd dat, using the nutes about a third of the time for watering. Outside grow. I am transplanting them tomarrow into 3 gallon grow bags with pro mix BX. The yellowing on the bottom leaves started about a week ago. I am posting pics. I keep them all in the one tray as shown, could the canopy be blocking the sunlight cause this problem, or not enough nitrogen or too much nutes with the FFOF? Bottom leaves look blochy and yellow, 1 leaf has a hole in it. First timer here. All help will be appreciated.DSCN6882.jpgDSCN6874.jpgDSCN6875.jpgDSCN6876.jpgDSCN6877.jpgDSCN6878.jpgDSCN6879.jpgDSCN6880.jpgDSCN6881.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea as they say ..

REPOT ... asap .. weed like space for ther roots .. a weed plants roots is as big as the plant over ground .. atlest that is what it want ..