bottom stalks withering??


New Member
I've got 2 plants a month old at most. They are having issues staying upright, and the bottoms of the stalks are withered. Has anyone had this problem? What fixes this?
Current setup:
4x100w equivalent cfls
planted in soil
fan for circulation of air
temperature stays about 78-80 degrees


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Well-Known Member
Soil looks like crap, no water, probably no nutes. Scrap, read a TON, and start over.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss... even though it is a "weed", it still needs a little TLC... ^^^ what figgy said... read a ton... if you can keep a house plant, you should be able to grow cannabis....


New Member
This isn't my first grow. Soil is a compost/dirt used from a previous grow. I haven't put any nutes in yet with them being so young. I appreciate the straight forwardness of the answers. Was mainly asking what causes this. So I don't run into the same problem on the next grow. Any and all help or advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
This isn't my first grow. Soil is a compost/dirt used from a previous grow. I haven't put any nutes in yet with them being so young. I appreciate the straight forwardness of the answers. Was mainly asking what causes this. So I don't run into the same problem on the next grow. Any and all help or advice is greatly appreciated.
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