Boy or girl?


Well-Known Member
Been about 4 weeks since it popped is it too early too tell sex? My first seedling ever and it's a bagseed I pulled from a gelatto33IMG_20210321_135944.jpgIMG_20210321_135920.jpgIMG_20210321_135905.jpgIMG_20210321_135847.jpgIMG_20210321_135912.jpg


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
yeah my luck is that way plus is there a way to grow a male somewhere else of course and get seeds?
If you catch the male as it starts opening up a couple pollen sacks, then yes. I've used the needle cap off a syringe. Tied the cap onto the branch. Positioned to where a pollen sack is directly hanging inside the syringe cap. Once the sack opened and the pollen dumped. The plant was destroyed after that.

It only takes one single pollen sack. To apply it. Take a make up brush and collect the pollen out the cap. Brush a flower on the lower part of the plant. No need to brush an upper bud. When you're brushing a flower. No fans, exhaust, or whatever. No air movement at all.

After 3-5 minutes. Spray the entire female with plain water. All over. Water stops any stray pollen. After all that. You'll have a female that produces seeded bud and seedless bud. On one plant.

Don't go wild with the pollen. One sack can produce ~5+ grams of seeds. A full, heaping tablespoon of seeds. If you pollinated the entire plant. You'll get a huge hand full of seeds.