Branches breaking off by themselves.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I have a weird dilemma pissing me off. My branches are just breaking off the main stem super easy and sometimes all by themselves. I have been growing these Sour Diesels the same way for over 10 years. I just use Floranova at 1.2 to 1.5 EC. I have never had this issue before so I am trying to figure out what is different this time. I have used Protek/silicone in the past and never noticed much difference. I have a fan on them but it is a different fan and may be a little weaker. I have grown them before with no fan and never had them break off this easily. Anybody seen this before and know what I am missing? They are only 3 weeks in flower so the buds are still small and not heavy. The branches usually support the buds even when they get big. I'm stumped and looking for my Protek at the moment.
Do you have any pics, seeing the overall condition might help?

That's an odd one I've never heard of before?
I doubt it's the fan but they can strip moisture causing wind burn on foliage, I'd remove it just to rule it out.
What is your RH? How much are they drinking? Have you stressed them out when they were young. I pinch the trunks and big branches at the base when they are young. Some times it makes the branches stronger.
Is this a possible sign of HLVD ? I thought I remember reading about this, but not something I’ve ever seen personally (never worked in a commercial grow setup).
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Thanks for the suggestions. This has been a humid year around here. My humidity indoors and outdoors was over 60% about all summer and fall until about 2-3 weeks ago. Maybe the high humidity made them weaker somehow. I don't think another one has broken since I posted this. I did find the Protek so I'll just hope for the best.