BRAND new grow In Cali about to buy BCnorthernlights bloom box, any suggestions?


I'm about to start my first growing venture. I know a lot of people say not to buy a growbox but to make your own but I don't have the knowledge to do that and I want to get started right away. I am almost 100% sold on buying BCnorthernlights Bloom Box. Anyone want to tell me yay or nay? Should I get the bb and the producer at the same time? PLEASE let me know.


Well-Known Member
If I didn't have much space or needed to be stealth, I would consider it. Although I think I could better invest the money in other ways.


Active Member
I want to turn my fridge into a grow box. Its got 2 chambers, little germination trays and good insulation. Just pop some vent holes and supports for lamps and your good to go :)