Brand recommendations for worm castings, coco, and compost


Active Member
Okay so I’m looking for some new brands.

The products I’m using currently l

Canna Coco
Malibu Bu’s Blend
Worm Gold Plus for castings.

I know starting my own compost bin and worm casting would be ideal. But as of right now its not something I could use as of right now...

Any recommendations?
I had a soil test done of the Malibu compost:

I saw that the Na was high, but I figured it wouldn't be problem since it was only 1/3 of my mix. However, I used about 10% Canna Coco coir and I retested and it was still very salty. I think that Canna brand coco has more sodium than they let on. Canna says that they don't use salt water in the production of making the coir, but I found out later that coir can have salt from growing on the tree. I'm guessing that if you find coconut trees that are exposed to sea water, then the coir will also be salty? Anyways, I used them together and always had salty soil...