Breeding question: How do I know when my seeds will be ready?


Active Member
I have recently tried my first breeding project by forcing a female plant to go hermie and letting it pollenate itself, and 3 other individuals. Things are going fine and the plants are showing signs of ripening. Normally I would harvest now, but I am afraid my seeds wont be viable. How do I know when to harvest for seed? Should I go to 100% red hair? Are there any tricks for figuring out? And are there any other breeders which could lend some insight? Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Ya can alot of times see/look at the seeds. They will be brown and stripes and so forth. They are ripe at that point.


Active Member
Will that happen around the time I would normally harvest, like at week 7 or 8, or can that happen sooner? My plants are around week 6 now and they're looking pretty mature. Im seriously wondering if I should do a test burn and look at the seeds.


Well-Known Member
It depends on when they were pollinated.

Pop 1 seed out and look. Its not like it will kill the plant.