Breeding Question

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
I asked this question in the breeders forum, but that place is dead. I figured there's a better chance of getting an answer here. The following is a copy/paste of my question from the breeders forum.

I'm a little confused about F1, F2, etc. If I understand correctly - and please correct me if I'm wrong - an F1 is the offspring of two different strains, and then an F2 would be the offspring of two of those F1's?

So if I cross two different strains that are both crosses of other strains, will the resulting offspring be F1 even though neither of the parents are true-breeding strains? And is there a good chance that they'll benefit from hybrid vigor?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can clear this up for me.
im not even shure gee.. the truth is the best way to find out about the vigor depend many things if your a pro you should ace it but flarfy nugs is a part of the plants genetics unlocked in both the mom and dad, or undisirable traits like low potency or to compact of a plant that it cant even breath like to many branches that never get light to many things gee you gota get your feet wet and realy just start doing it the more you do the more you learn the more you fuck up the more you learn the more you get that bad ass fucken combination and you'll know it was worth it but yes on the f1 and f2 good gee. hope i help you some what..
I understand that this cross will not give me a stable strain, and will most likely result in many different phenotypes. I'm fine with that, and am actually looking forward to seeing the different varieties. I'm just not sure I understand if this cross would be considered F1.
Any two strains crossed will result in F1, poly-hybrid as they may be. Then crossing the progeny from the said F1's will result in F2 generation.

Hybrid vigor is often the result of a new cross, but growing them out is the only way to know for definite.
I'm a little confused about F1, F2, etc. If I understand correctly - and please correct me if I'm wrong - an F1 is the offspring of two different strains, and then an F2 would be the offspring of two of those F1's?


So if I cross two different strains that are both crosses of other strains, will the resulting offspring be F1 even though neither of the parents are true-breeding strains?

Correct. F2 just means u r using the f1 plants as your stock.

And is there a good chance that they'll benefit from hybrid vigor?
