Bridgelux build 5x5 build questions


Does anyone know if I can run these strips without heatsinks?

Bridgelux Gen. 2 BXEB-L1120Z 4′ LED Strip Build – 5’x5′
Parts list:

18x BXEB-L1120Z 4′ Strips ($253)

1x Mean Well HLG-480H-42B Driver ($115)

1x Mean Well HLG-240H-42B Driver ($64)

1x 50K Ohm Potentiometer for Dimming ($7) Note – wire driver dim leads in parallel to potentiometer for simultaneous dimming of both drivers. Pot must be 50K ohm.

1x Resistor for Potentiometer ($6) Note- resistor is only required if your potentiometer measures less than its rated resistance. Use a resistor in series to bring the pot up to its rated resistance.

~72 Feet of 1″ Heat Sink ($144) Note – this length is an estimate only… make sure to measure your space so your heat sinks are cut short enough that they’ll fit.

~25 Feet of 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 1/8″ thick Angle Aluminum for Frame ($60) Note – this length is an estimate only… make sure to measure your space to properly size your frame.

2x Rolls of Thermal Tape, 30mm x 25m ($32)

1x LLT L20 Waterproof Power Connector for Driver AC Connection ($10)

Hookup wire cut to whatever length you need ($10) Note – I use 18 gauge to connect my wagos to my strips. I use minimum 14 gauge for wago-to-wago connections.

14x 5-Conductor Wagos ($20)

1x 6-Pack of Ratcheting Hangers ($19)

Total Price Estimate (USD) = $740 + Shipping

System Specs:

Type: C.V./Parallel

Diode Count: 4,032

System Voltage: 39.2V

System Current: 17,100mA (11,400mA on the 480H-42B + 5,700mA on the 240H-42B)

System Power: 670.2W

Lumen Estimate (3000K): 116,928

Efficacy: 174 lm/W
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Thanks for the reply. Do you know how much I'll gain by using 3rd gen instead at that current?

Thanks again

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Has anyone used this power supply to power the bridgelux strips?


At around $30 they seem like a great option for a 350 watt driver compared to the HLG series.

Minus the heatsinks and using these lrs drivers I'll be able to build this 700w 5x5 setup for close to $450
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Im not sure that the new gen 3 slim versions can run all the way up to 1050, they are a bit smaller pcbs. @cobshopgrow had them measured to around 42C for 525ma.
yep only ran them at 525mA but dont see a problem at 700mA for the slim without heatsinks.
1050 i woud need to test.
When i find more time i can put a strip on a desk with a laboratory power supply and see, could work out ok.
This is 36 and i think they havve a 48

with that strip you need to use the 36 as the strips are 39 volts

the 48 volt ones do not do 39

to do the 48 with the gen 3s HLG mean wells do great HLG 320 h 48 works great for 11 4 footers wired parallel

all the best
