Broke plant IN HALF!


I was LST'ing "Stoney" and guess I should have been more gentle. I snapped her stem and the top came off :dunce:

She is almost 6 weeks old. She lost her top, which consisted of 3 sets of leaves and a growth tip. She is now down to 4 nodes. I'm expecting plant shock and a growth set-back at the least.

Do you think she will recover? Is there anything I can do (other than decrease her dosage of nutes for a while)? How is this going to affect the outcome?



Well-Known Member
6 weeks into veg? You're may end up with 4 or more colas, look at the bright side. :weed: If it's 6 weeks into veg, I'd probably veg it for at least another couple of weeks before introducing worries. Flowering may take longer because of this, but use the top to clone.


Active Member
She'll definately recover. Like Babs said, those lower branches will start fattening up and in turn you'll have a bunch of fat tops on that plant. Just wait a few days and you'll see :joint:


Well-Known Member
yep, she'll be fine... just a bummer is all. But now you'll have more tops, or that is to say, more colas....


Yeah, she's going topless right now lol. I just wanted to make sure she'll be okay, because she lost half of herself in an instant. If that happened to a human, they could have a heart attack (or so I've heard). Well, shoot then...sweet. More colas. I can live with that. It is a bit of a bummer though, I'll have to learn to be less handsy. Thanks a bunch guys!


Active Member
ive heard of people snapping plants but not breaking them completely off and using breathable medical tape ot hold them together and the plants healed themselves. Idk if that would work in your case though


ive heard of people snapping plants but not breaking them completely off and using breathable medical tape ot hold them together and the plants healed themselves. Idk if that would work in your case though
Yeah, I saw a lot of forum postings about that, but couldn't find any about it breaking off completely. I might be beyond medical tape at this point. I think the best bet for me would be to clone and hope it turns out to be a she. Thanks for the input!
Yeah, I saw a lot of forum postings about that, but couldn't find any about it breaking off completely. I might be beyond medical tape at this point. I think the best bet for me would be to clone and hope it turns out to be a she. Thanks for the input!

very cool thread - you did just top your plant. While you didn't make that decisions, sounds like it's going to turn out well for you.

I mean, I'm still learning about this stuff, so I haven't done this yet, but I'm sure I will down the road.

love roll it up - great stuff.
