Broke stem off in flowering



I accidentally broke the stem off one of my plants while in the start of 3rd week of flower. I had not preciously topped this plant so was considering it anyway but was reluctant as it was in flower.

The part that broke off is right near the top of the plant at the base of the main cola - there's not a lot of stem left. Should I try clone this or is it a waste?

Also, now that I have accidentally topped my plant, I reckon I'll try put it back in veg. Would you say this is the best thing to do?


Well-Known Member

I accidentally broke the stem off one of my plants while in the start of 3rd week of flower. I had not preciously topped this plant so was considering it anyway but was reluctant as it was in flower.

The part that broke off is right near the top of the plant at the base of the main cola - there's not a lot of stem left. Should I try clone this or is it a waste?

Also, now that I have accidentally topped my plant, I reckon I'll try put it back in veg. Would you say this is the best thing to do?
Third week flower? You can try to root the top. Reveg may be an issue. I would just carry on with flower. 2 colas now and no smaller in the end. Long road ahead still.

Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
last time my light fell broke my main cola around 3 weeks in i amputated and it grew 4 more to replace it scouts honor i have pictures but am lazy


Well-Known Member
also if you put it directly in water after amputating and triy to clone it should work in about 21 days


Well-Known Member
If it’s not totally severed prop it back up and splint it. Somehow some way. Keep going. Raise the light for a couple of days.
Only at time of accident. Any delay and a true graft is needed. Kinda a waste of time given the actual scale of most stems snapped. LOL. Clone and go in my book. Otherwise very correct if when you break it. No delay.


Thanks all.

I tried to reattach using tape but I had such a small bit of stem to work with and it was very busy with lots of leaves getting in the way. I have taken the steps to clone it and will just wait I guess. I had to use soil as it was all I had available. Was a bit of a hack job so I'm not hopeful.

My initial thought was to keep pushing forward but what weighed on me was that the plant would be dedicated to growing flowers instead of actual plant growth. Sounds like I'll still get some decent growth though even though its in flowering phase? At work now so no pics to post unfortunately.

Also, should I tape the top where the stem broke off?



Well-Known Member
if you can put it back in place quickly and tape it together solid very likely would be fine. Id support the stem somehow if possible. You will know in one day. no biggie most of the time. bending stems sideways after pinching often to keep everything a foot from light all the time.