broken off stem help please


Active Member
plant is in 2 pieces i have no cloning gel what so ever and the stores are closed 2 days, is there any way to keep it alive and or grow new roots. one half is everything and the bottom is stem and roots. can one or the other start again somehow. help me please


Active Member
no idea put it in water till store opens then make a new 45degree angle cut off the bottom and use cloning agent replant and mist a lot over next 10 days or some kind of humidity dome if u dont want to mist frequenly?


Active Member
ok, im somewhat keeping it goin. im leaving in 5 days for bonnaroo, but my mother can take care of it during those 5 days off. maybe they will be alive and roots growing with my luck when i get back. i still dont really understand how cloning gel or whatever works.