Broken stem with big nugs!!?


Active Member
My buds are getting so heavy that one of the stems broke. The stem broke in two places and I notice that no fluid came out. It appeared to be dry. Does this mean there is a problem?


Well-Known Member
No time to fix. Prop it up. Try to keep in sync with stem. Hope it turns out ok. If not. It was huge and thats a good thing..


Well-Known Member
If the stems aren't completely broken you MIGHT be able to splint them (just like you would a broken bone). I did this on one of my plants (I fucked up and dropped my 600 watt HPS light on the poor plant and broke several stems -- I splinted them and they have all done fine. This was 5 weeks ago!) and it worked fine. As to the no liquid coming out issue, I wouldn't be concerned if the rest of the plant seems adequately hydrated. If the stems start looking bad, then just go ahead and remove the damaged stem/bud and keep going from there.


Active Member
If the stems aren't completely broken you MIGHT be able to splint them (just like you would a broken bone). I did this on one of my plants (I fucked up and dropped my 600 watt HPS light on the poor plant and broke several stems -- I splinted them and they have all done fine. This was 5 weeks ago!) and it worked fine. As to the no liquid coming out issue, I wouldn't be concerned if the rest of the plant seems adequately hydrated. If the stems start looking bad, then just go ahead and remove the damaged stem/bud and keep going from there.
Ok cool! I already cut it off cause I had no answers. Plus i want to try it anyways lol. They definately eating and drinking so I think everything is ok. I just wanted to know if there was something I was doing wrong. Thanks Mr.GJ


Well-Known Member
Should I give them more water?
ONLY if the soil is DRY down 3-4 inches below the surface and the surface is sort of crusty. It's better to under-water than to over-water.
Watch the leaves--- they will tell you if the plant is getting seriously dehydrated. They'll droop like hell and you'll swear your girl is dying, but give her some water and you'll see her perk right back up -- often within only a few minutes! It's really a trip to see how fast they will react to a little moisture sometimes!!!!



Active Member
Im using hydro ebb n flow. I water every 2 hours. Im gonna go ahead and water every hour and see what they do. If you or anyone advises not to then please feel free to tell me what to do. Thanks


by doing that you are doubling the amount of times you are watering them which can cause problems... like drowning your girls. remember the amount of time you water them also makes a difference too, i only water every 4 hours for 15 mins. thats with hydroton. if it were under watering you would see extremely droopy leaves. put your hand at your canopy, does the top of your hand burn? if so then move your light up a couple inches. good luck.