Brown leaves help?


Active Member
Hey, i got some plants going and lots seem to be having problems with brown leaves. I am pretty sure they were rootbound when only a week or so old. I am pretty sure they were underwatered when young before transplant because leaves started to turn brown when the mix was really dry. I was pretty rough on the transplant and the one never seemed to fully recover. I am using pro mix hp but with added organic supplements (gaia green 4/4/4 and worm castings with a few that have bokashi and biochar added and a watering with some effective microorganisms) if anyone has any insight i would appreciate the help. Thank youC471E74B-EAE9-4438-879C-436C18335858.jpeg1E92089B-2E08-4589-95A5-EDB5DFE9D6A3.jpegB01C37B6-7E43-4ED4-8035-85522AA6B5FE.jpeg2A0F7BD6-9845-43D8-AA03-9E03297831B9.jpegC259855C-A151-417B-B9C4-B3D76B3FF146.jpegB0EF996C-C071-4F4E-852E-EF1EA6FEC959.jpeg
Looks like the lower leaves go splashed with nutrients

As long as new growth is green ...carry on
Thanks for the quick reply. I believe i splashed the lower leaves but with the effective microorganism mix as i am not using synthetic nutrients. I think lots of the old growth was affected by underwatering and bad transplant job. Also i didnt add the 4/4/4 gaia green until after the transplant so i am assuming that it isnt breaking down fast enough. Some of the newer growth has some discolouration at the edges of the leaves. I should add that i just fimmed a few of the plants an hour ago.