Brown/purple/yellow spots help

Chuckie P

Hey guys, I'm a new grower. Using happy frog soil with tiger bloom, big bloom, grow big, and beastie blooms. I'm watering/feeding every 2 or 3 days depending on weight of pots. I water in between every or every other feeding and when I water or feed I fill until it comes out the bottom, usually around 3/4 to a full gallon. I don't have a ph reader but I have well water and used the strips to test it and it was in between 6.5 and 7. Temps do vary a little too much 60-80. The strain is jack 747. I'm getting leaves like these on a few plants at first I was thinking it was the cold but its gettin worse. Gonna try just water a couple times and flushing one to see if it helps, any advise is appreciated.



Alright mate, did you find out what was wrong with your plant? ive been looking for 2 days online to try and find what is wrong with 1 of mine and that pic is as close to what mine has as ive been able to find.


Well-Known Member
not exactly sure cant really tell by that leaf. do you use dolomite lime in your soil? if not i would add some pulverized dolomite to keep the ph in check over time and give it cal and mag. can we see the whole plant? and what area of the plant is being effected?

also did you wait 3 weeks or so before adding nutes? you can give them burn if you start using that whole package to early.