Brown spots? Anyone Please!

Hi. Got the same problem as last time. Folks said it was nute burn. they are in week 4 and i have been only going 1/2 strenght on my humbolt organic line. There are no spider mites. The spots are brown not white. Anybody know about ph causing this? or maybe just nute burn again. How often should i use nutes? once a week? Strainsare durban poision (left) and el nino (right). Thanks everyone!DSC01659.jpgDSC01660.jpgDSC01661.jpg


Well-Known Member
its not nute burn, nute burn comes in form the side
you need to add sum Epsom salt or sum cal/mag to your soil as you have a deficiancy, but the nutes ur using should be suffice, so my geuss is your Ph is off cuasing a lockout
and once a week is alright, alot of poeple go every other watering, only you know how much nute ur plant needs, every plant is different


Active Member
i agree, looks like a calcium deficiency. check your ph n get one of the items suggested above. they make a kind of epsom salt specifically for plants n its safe to use half of wut they say to start off