Brown Spots on Leaves. Any ideas why?

IMG_0883.jpg IMG_0884.jpg *New Grower

These plants are on day 18 and the spots started coming in a few days ago. The bottom leaves in the first picture are by far the worst, but i am noticing spots appearing on other fan leaves also. Any ideas to what is causing this? and solutions to the problem?

I thought maybe calcium problems because the water i am feeding them with is filtered?

Would over watering, under watering, or low humidity (35%-40%) be a cause to the problem?
Roots organic mixed with rice hulls, I did overwater them once prior to the spots showing up, but I am not feeding them any nutes at this point. Was gonna wait till about day 30


Well-Known Member
Yea i'd agree its nute burn. You should not have to add any nutes in roots organic during the seedling phase.

edit: might of misread. Either way its prob nute burn. Burn and lock out sometimes look alike. Always check your runoff.


Active Member
I would agree with both comments above, could be possible overwatering and possible burn. If it is either of these, both these issues "work themselves out" over time, but you will need to overwatering, you girl will do the rest. The leaves effected wont look any better, but eventually these will be bottom leaves anyway. With filtered and/or RO water, you could be having some cal/mag issues, if this is in fact the problem, you would need to correct this situation.

The good news is, the new growth looks good in color. So, for now, I would keep an eye on your girl. If you start to see signs of trouble on the new growth, load up pics and check back.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
That is not nute burn it is a deficiency caused by lockout. Flush check PH and give NO food.

My guess is your PH is way out of whack causing the lockout. Check the PH when you flush and make sure it is around 6.3 and you might want to feed her a little(1/4 strength) after the flush as I not sure how hot that soil would be after the flush.
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Active Member
what about lack of cal/mag? i too have had leaves like that because i wasnt feeding with cal/mag. so it almost gives it the same look as a lock out. and in reality it is almost the same because in a lock out they cant absorb the nutes and if u dont feed them any they arent absorbing them either. so the end result looks very similar. and by the yellowing i would assume lack of nutes as well. i have used that soil before with heavy nutes and didnt get a spot of burn.


Well-Known Member
what about lack of cal/mag? i too have had leaves like that because i wasnt feeding with cal/mag. so it almost gives it the same look as a lock out. and in reality it is almost the same because in a lock out they cant absorb the nutes and if u dont feed them any they arent absorbing them either. so the end result looks very similar. and by the yellowing i would assume lack of nutes as well. i have used that soil before with heavy nutes and didnt get a spot of burn.
Yes I should have mentioned the Cal/Mag as well Thx for pointing that out.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3039324 View attachment 3039325 *New Grower

These plants are on day 18 and the spots started coming in a few days ago. The bottom leaves in the first picture are by far the worst, but i am noticing spots appearing on other fan leaves also. Any ideas to what is causing this? and solutions to the problem?

I thought maybe calcium problems because the water i am feeding them with is filtered?

Would over watering, under watering, or low humidity (35%-40%) be a cause to the problem?
cal mag deficiency it loos like 2 me..