Brown spots??? PLEASE HELP !


Active Member
Hey, so I have some white russians and mazar growing and all of them seem to be fine but two of them, 1 mazar and 1 white russian, the plant itself looks fine its just this one leaf that has some brown spots on it ?? if you could take a look at these pictures, and also the one that has partial yellow leaves and one leaf is kind of curling and tell me what this means for both i would strongly appreciate it, thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Looks like it might be caused by the leaf resting on the soil. Try to keep the foliage off the dirt. Perlite, or some other ground cover will work, but LSTing would be better.

If it spreads to more of the plant it could be a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
looks like phosphorus deficiency to me, either theres none present in soil, or the ph is too high or low and has locked it out. did the soil come prenute'd and have you been checkin ph?


Active Member
I havnt been checking the PH, those plants have been great with nutes and such. I think you may have something there with the foliage resting in the soil, im not to sure how to avoid that considering the leaves on this mazar are huge but it hasnt grown that tall