brown spots, some yellow on tips of leaves and some bright yellow/green leaves

some of my plants have dry, yellow spotted leaves, some have brown spots and yellow spots, and some have yellowing on the tips of the blades. sounds like a mess! i know that this could mean deficiencies of various minerals and such, but what can i do to fix this!?!?! im scared for my ladies!!!!!


Active Member
I am a new grower so i might be wrong but it sounds like too much fertilizer burned the plant

but pics will help
what can i do to fix this!?!?!
You can give us more info. We can't help you if we don't know all the variables in play.

Don't immediately assume you're facing a deficiency. Much more common and possible answers would be over-feeding or insect action.
We can't answer any of your issues without more info. Have you been feeding them... what kinds of lighting.... what kind of grow.... etc.


Active Member
Do you have a PH meter? Run Good Ph water through the plant and test the runoff. Your problem sounds like it could be a lockout due to high PH. But ofcourse we could get a better idea with a pic.