Brown spotting on leaves can anyone help


Active Member
Hard to tell by the pics....have you looked under the leaves for mites??.....usually those spots are small and white/greyish but I've seen brown later on....usually bigger rust colored spots are magnesium deficiency but yours look to small for that telling me its a pest problem....if they get big and brown add about ,1tbs Epson salt to a cup of hot water to desolve salt and then put that into a gallon of water and feed plants.......will fix in a day or can add neuts with salt its ok either way


Active Member
Not trying to insult you bit....mite eggs are white and will be underage leaves in clusters....mites are brown/ black and kinda look like real small debris on the underside of your leaves ....good luck if its mites kill them quick and don't forget to spray soil/plant/walls/floor....everything besides plant spray with heavy solution and spray plant with light solution and work your way up so you don't fry them