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New Member
Newbies here. First grow!! We are so appreciate of any and all help! Purchased from IlGM, on day 40 since sprout. Our set up is 32*32*36 grow tent with an alphapar 200 w light. We’re using happy frog soil with fox farm bud and bloom fertilizer. We maintain a soil and water ph of 6.5 and rh of 55% and fluctuate 65°-73°, had fed using fertilizer twice, and since then have stopped using fertilizer and have done 2 flushes. Just curious what to think of the left one possibly finishing earlier or then not being the same strain? Thanks in advance!!!2543C831-573D-48F0-8F4D-EC50A8738661.jpeg261B05D6-37DB-40E3-89EF-894EA053A16E.jpeg8F39DDC6-856A-4374-8343-A1C09870383A.jpeg9FB42123-FE48-4FF6-8BDD-EC24BE726107.jpeg9C13668D-7B40-4282-BBC4-34E51008D656.png2E1A13AD-2534-446F-927D-B15141DDBD43.png
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Well-Known Member
Happy Frog and Ocean Forrest are already pretty heavily amended out of the bag so your soil probably still has plenty of nutrients available without using any nutes. I would for sure look into LST for your next grow as you can maximize your yield by keep that main cola down and breaking apical dominance. Essentially all your side shoots will grow to about the same size as your main cola and you will produce much more yield and higher quality buds. Good job though on your first grow! Left side will for sure finish early